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- بتشوفيها؟؟انت معاها؟؟ آه معاهامخلية بالك منها؟ آهث...
At 4:03 AM,
KareemFromEgypt said…
i missed you a lot ya hanouma, all of a sudden all the bloggers who i started out with, my first readers, dissapeared. and it was making me depressed :(
i'm really glad you are back, i like reading your stuff.
regarding your husband, i feel that he does feel u missing him but is more woried about life and his responsibilty, and he has faith and trust on how solid your relationship is so that's why he doesn't pay attention to it. i'm not saying you should make him worry, but wait a little bit more and you'll hopefully find that things came batter, just give him and both of you time to deal with the other annoying everyday stuff
At 9:20 PM,
Hanouma said…
شكرا يا كريم
انا كمان افتقدت كتاباتك ولو اني مش باقدر اقرا المطولات اللي انت بتكتبها. ساعات بتبقى طوييييييييييييييلة قوي.
المهم انا بحس دايما انك بتقربني من جيل انا بعدت عنه وده بيهمني جدا.
شكرا على اهتمامك بس بلاش نديله اعذار ( ده طبع الرجال) كل واحد بيدافع عن بني جنسه.
كمان انا مش صبورة اطلاقا.
عالعموم شكرا على الترجيب الحار وانا باتابع كتاباتك بس حبة كل يوم على قدي
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